The Lords International School created OLC “Old Lordians Club” to strengthen the ties between former students, teachers and mentors in Pakistan and abroad. OLC creates a digital connection between fellows of The Lords International School. OLC is a source to keep you all updated about campus events and opportunities. OLC is a platform where you all can share thoughts with other fellows. OLC a family tree of The Lords International school system which is keep on growing and flourishing. Old Lordians are the source of its growth.
“Once a Lordian forever a Lordian”. The slogan stands true for the faithful and committed students
who leave Lords physically but in their hearts the love and respect for this institution keeps mounting.
In the name of true love and sincerity we formed a club called “Old Lordian Club” in short OLC. This
very club ensures that we remain a family even when we move out from our “home like school”.
works as an umbilical cord between students and the institute. Hence, we become inseparable. This club
has been arranging get-together and reunion parties. There is an absolute body that looks after and monitors
its working. Soon after 10th by default the students become OLC members. It’s like a free ticket to the
club. A lifelong membership and a lifelong bond.
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself
have altered.” Says, Nelson Mandela
Holding the thought of Mandela we keep returning and sharing our present with The Lords and our very
own Mr. Khurram Ilays, the Director.

Fatima Tanvir
I am Benish Michael, a Biotechnology Majors at Forman Christian College, University, Lahore.
I entered The Lords at the age of 10 as an extremely shy and hesitant person who had 0% selfconfidence.
Spending ten years of my life at that esteemed institution (from grade 4-10) changed
me in so many ways and made me a new person as a whole. My greatest achievement so far is
getting selected for The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program, Pakistan to spend a semester
in the United States. I have spent almost five months in the U.S. under the title of “Cultural
Ambassador of Pakistan”, showing Americans the positive side of my country. Now I realize that
my school’s motto, “Enter to learn, leave to lead” actually works.

Myself Rabbania Shirjeel, The Lords always had a very genuine education system, not only regarding
the curriculum but also the kind of exposure and confidence it built in me. Now that I travel alone
for my photo projects I clearly know who to thank. It all started with my first trip to India with
‘The school’. I recently graduated in Photography with a distinction. After my Graduation I taught
Photography at NCBA&E and presented my work at various institutes including PIFD, Newlands
and Faceoff Islamabad. I completed my tenure at British Council Lahore under Arts department.
Now I am teaching Photography at National College of Arts. I am on the road of learning, my
achievements are a proof for my parents and teachers who are proud of me.

Adeel Shafi | 25 | Freiburg, Germany - I had the honor of being a part of the Lords International
School System for 4 long years. In 2008, I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Electrical/Power
Engineering from Germany. For my thesis I worked in the famous Fraunhofer Institute ISE on
developing a battery testing system. I am still working in Fraunhofer Institute in development
Engineering. I am full of ideas and ambition, destined to improve the state of mankind (or even
save it InshaAllah) – and somehow, still thinking, a little skinny boy sitting under the shade on the
well-known Lords cricket ground, hoping to get a chance to bowl. Peace!

My name is Danish Michael and I am a proud Lordian of the 2007 batch. After completing O’levels
from The Lords, I continued my studies from Forman Christian College, Lahore from where I
completed my A-Levels as well as my graduation. These years were very competitive and if I hadn't
had such a strong educational background, I wouldn't have been able to be as successful as I am
today. I completed my graduation from Forman with distinction in my department, a gold medal
and several other awards. Today I am employed at IBM, one of world's largest IT Firms. I am leading
a wonderful life and for that I thank my school.

Myself Fahim Malik, I studied in The Lords from 1999 to 2003. The Lords is more than just a
school to me. I received Graduate Diploma in Management from Salford University, Manchester.
Later I did executive MBA from SZABIST university Dubai campus. Currently I am Director
Marketing & PR at Creatix Image Studio | Event Management, Director Strategic Procurement at
Bin Qutab Group, Director PR at Smart Choice Sports Club, Houston Texas the biggest cricket
franchise in USA and Director Supply Chain Source Tactical Inc, Houston Texas, Sir Khurram is
my spiritual father, mentoring me at every stage of my life.
